Monday, April 28, 2008

Track 13: Rehearsal/Blue Chipmunks

Like we stated a couple tracks ago, one of our favorite songs to perform was Blue Moon.  This variation was different in that we performed it at double speed.  Mostly because the bass line is fast enough as it is, it would be funny to speed it up even further.  And of course, if you speed up the bass line, you have to speed up the melody, making them sound like chipmunks.

Some notes:
  • The random babble before the song was a staple before our presentation of this song.  It's different every time, but the basic gist was that we would perform the song like we did "in rehearsal," whatever that means.  Eric, realizing that this would require much extra effort on his part (because he sang the sped-up bass) would put up a fight, not wanting to perform like rehearsal, but he would always lose the fight.  Then we would start singing doubletime.
  • Quite possibly our best one-liner of the entire CD:  "Wait a minute.  We rehearse things?"
  • Eric picked a note in the beginning of the song because we didn't have a pitch pipe, and he usually was the one to give us a starting note (sometimes pulling it out of thin air, sometimes using someone's tuning fork--was it Kristin's??)
  • At the end of the piece, Eric loses control with his fast doo-wops and just keeps going on and on with his skat.  The other three try to get his attention, to no avail.  Jacob even says his name, but he just keeps on going.  So he slaps him in the face.  And then he stops very abruptly with a "Blue Moon."

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