Saturday, April 26, 2008

Track 15: Intermission, part 1

OK, this song requires a lot of explanation. First off, because it's not even a song. It consists of two main dialogues, both of which will be described in detail.

So, as the story goes, Jacob Stewart was off looking for Eric to join Jacob Broderick and Peter in the recording studio. Hah, you remember our recording studio was Jacob Broderick's dorm room? Anyways, While Jacob and Peter were waiting, they decided to record their true feelings for Jacob and Eric. The easiest way to describe their feelings is to transcribe the conversation. Here goes:

Jacob Broderick (JB): Eric and Jacob are lazy blokes. (apparently since we hadn't shown up yet)
JB (after realizing that he needs to clarify that it's not him): Eric and Jacob STEWART are lazy blokes.
Peter (P): They're bludgers. (australian insult)
JB: Drongos. (another australian insult)
P: Morons.
JB: And lazy and blokey.
P: (laughter)
JB: And slow and pokey.
JB: And they're not even in here so I can say WHATEVER I WANT and they'll never know.
P: That's funny because we don't even really like them anyway. I mean, we're going to replace them soon.
JB: We use them for their pants! *disclaimer: I have no idea where this came from*
JB & P: (evil laughter)

At this time, Jacob and Eric walk in. Jacob hears laughter and wants to join in. So he begins to sing.
Jacob Stewart (JS): I love to laugh! (from Mary Poppins)
JS & Eric: (laughter)
JB: (obviously trying to keep us from realizing what they just recorded) Yes yes, we love to laugh, ha ha, ha ha, let's sing it.
JS: (grabbing the microphone and getting REALLY close) (evil laugh)

Of course, this was all in good fun. More goofiness by the Ninety and Nine.

The first half ends with a not-so-subliminal subliminal message from Eric: "Pi is exactly 3." This is a quote from the one Simpson's episode he had sat down and watched during his freshman year. Apparently Lisa went to some sort of smart person/mathematician type convention to give her presentation. When she went on stage however, no one in the audience paid her any heed. So, to get their attention, Lisa went up to the mike and yelled "Pi is exactly 3!" and of course all the mathematicians shut up in astonishment and she went on to make her presentation.

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