Monday, May 5, 2008

Track Seven--Book of Mormon Stories/BOM Stories

OK, so here's the story. In Elder's Quorum one day, we got bored and decided to write lyrics depicting the entire Book of Mormon. We wrote pretty much this whole thing in one day. Peter and Jacob Stewart were the main architects; Eric wrote one verse. This was another track that was recorded with three people only--Jacob and Peter alternated verses, while Eric provided the bass. You will note that Eric sings one verse, the verse about Jarom. That was the one verse that he wrote, and he wanted to sing it. So he did. Note the lack of bass accompaniment in that verse.

Another note: Book of Mormon scholars will clearly notice that from verse 27 to verse 28 of our song we skip over some 20 chapters of essential story, namely, Christ's visit to the Americas. However, we felt that due to the sanctity of the event, and the sacrilegiosity of our writing, we shouldn't mix the two. So, no, that was not an oversight on our part.

The last verse explains why we chose the tune "Ten Little Indians" for the song. Not only was it the tune that the Primary books has (First and Second Books of Nephi, etc etc) but it also had a relationship between the Lamanites and what we now know as Indians. So it's a cool little connection that could give you a couple paragraphs if you were critically analyzing our work. Which you should.

In case anyone teaches seminary, or Gospel Doctrine, or anything remotely related to the Book of Mormon, and want to teach the entire year in one short ten minute lesson and take the rest of the year off, here are the lyrics to the tune!

Words to Book of Mormon Stories (my teachers didn't really tell me

these versions)

1. In First Nephi we meet Lehi, he has got a son named Nephi

Sees a vision, leaves, sons say, "Why?" Looking for the promised land.

2. God tells Nephi to build a ship, Laman and Lemuel give him lip

Shocking gets them to take the trip, but they still aren't happy.

3. Second Nephi, more of Nephi, leads his people, he's a great guy.

Lehi, Nephi, prophesy, die, Jacob leads the people now.

4. Jacob has an allegory, olive trees can tell a story

Defies Sherem with God's glory, God smites Sherem really good.

5. Book of Enos, he goes praying, night and day without delaying

Repenting and then forgiving, passing the plates to Jarom.

6. Book of Jarom, he supposes people keep the Law of Moses,

Everyone's happy as roses. Pass the plates down to his son.

7. Omni, many people writing, constant inter tribal fighting.

Mulekites are found benighted, O'er in Zarahemla.

8. There was a king named Benjamin, looks like he was spread pretty thin

Wasn't much of a mean kingpin, so his people loved him.

9. In Mosiah Noah's the King, and Abinadi starts preaching

Noah loses and gets burning, and then Alma runs away.

10. Alma prophesies and preaches, for his son Alma beseeches

Alma's life an angel leaches, for two days of punishment.

11. Korihor was an atheist, Alma's words he tried to twist,

He did not get slapped on the wrist, he was struck dumb and he died.

12. Alma teaches Zoramite poor, works hard, gets a foot in the door,

Tells them they don't need an altar, but should worship every day.

13. Alma goes to Ammonihah, Zeezrom there is trained in the Law,

Amulek can hear his mind's thought, Mormon explains Nephite weights.

14. Alma teaches one by one, his sons such as Corianton,

"Don't mess up boys, you're my son." Then they went to preach the word.

15. Ammon was a Missionary, big dark men came who were scary,

Ammon said, "Let us not tarry, we will go to disarm them."

16. Moroni lifts up a title, Nephites say that they will fight till

Am'lickiah's threat of might'll never scare the Church again.

17. In the war years Moroni fights. Wields a big sword for the Nephites.

Beats the King-Men and Lamanites, while he threatens the Chief Judge.

18. Helaman had his two thousand, Mama's boys, they formed one buff band.

Drove the Lamanites from their land, all were wounded but none died.

19. Three brothers want to be Chief Judge, Pahoran wins, Paanchi won't


All three murdered, boy did they fudge, Lamanites kill left and right.

20. There's Kishkumen he feels clever, uses murder as a lever, Gadianton

steals his thunder, becomes leader of the band.

21. In Helaman things go downhill, people sin but can't get their fill,

Gadiantons rob and kill, they control the government.

22. Nephites spread out over the ear, Hagoth builds a ship and sails North

Disappears and thus there spring forth, all sorts of strange theories.

23. Nephi uses sealing power, makes the fruit trees never flower,

They repent but still are sour, leave the church within four years.

24. Samuel climbs a wall of earth, prophesies the Savior's birth,

Nephite weapons of no worth, whent they try to kill him.

25. Then we get another Nephi, in the time of Giddianhi,

Lachoneus says, "Leave no pie for those dirty robbers."

26. Darkness descends upon the land, Nephites ruled by robber bands,

Jacob breaks the government and, people try to kill him.

27. Suddenly the earth was shook up, shattered like a broken cup,

Darkness fell and wailings rose up from the mouths of Nephites.

28. Mormon is a young commander, fights the Gadianton robbers,

Gets the plates from Ammmoron, "Sir! We see the Lamanites."

29. Nephites fight at Hill Cumorah, lose commanders Gidgidonnah,

Lamah, Gilgal, Cumenihah, they and eighteen more.

30. Nephite nation now has fallen, Moroni is now alone in,

Lamanite lands, he's a callin' on the Lord to save the plates.

31. Book of Ether we get king-lists, Com and Hearthom, Moron and Shiz,

Sixteen Hundred years, Wow! Gee Whiz! All in thirty pages.

32. Jared wants to be the King, has his daughter dance and sing,

Akish sees her do her thing, so he kills the king for her.

33. Akish kills his father-in-law, angers his own son (named Nimrah)

Nimrah leaves to join his Grandpa, Akish' people die real soon.

34. Ether writes a book of hist'ry, hides in a cave from the army,

Everyone dies that he can see, except Coriantumr.

35. Moroni writes a little note, golden plates around he must tote,

Ten good chapters are what he wrote, all about the doctrine.

36. One little, two little, three little Indians, four little, five

little, six little Indians,

Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians, ten little Lamanite

boys. *Lamanite, yeah, that's how it makes sense*

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